Sureni Ranasinghe
1st Vice President: Chris Daher
2nd Vice President: Eric Norenberg
Secretary: Ken Martin
Treasurer: Kat Snowe
Sergeant-At-Arms: Curt Knouse
Past President: Don O'Connell
Board Directors At-Large:
Joel Ranck
Doug Workman
Lisa Harrington
Meg Moose
Committee Chairs
The State College Downtown Rotary club was founded in November 1986. Our sponsoring club (helping to get us established) was the State College Rotary Club.
At the time of our founding, the District Governor was Robert Harrison from the Chambersburg Rotary Club.
Other Rotarians instrumental in getting our club established were “Bus” Fowler and Don Tressler - both of whom were former District Governors and members of the State College Rotary Club. Bus was an honorary member of our club.
The charter membership included 26 men. Two of them - Joe Geise and Jim Eberly - have been continuously active.
Women had not yet joined Rotary. It would be three years before women joined the club after the Supreme Court decision concerning the Duarte, California, Rotary club in 1989.
Our club is the present home to three past district governors, Carl Hill (1984-1985), Carol Walsh (2001-2002) and Jim Eberly (2012-2013). Jim was the first District Governor of the newly formed District 7360.
Our Mission
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding,
goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community
Our Vision
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change —
across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Downtown State College Rotary Club
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 10742, State College, PA 16805 | Email:
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